Editing Announcements for Students
Please find below information on how to edit announcements to ensure that the correct information is communicated to relevant parties. Please contact askbatestoday@bates.edu with questions.
After a Mailing Has Been Sent
- Everything in the mailing is static. It is not possible to edit and resend a mailing given the number of announcements, offices, and departments that contribute to a mailing.
- It is possible to edit the body text of an announcement, so that if a reader clicks on a link in the email, they receive updated information. Please email askbatestoday@bates.edu with your announcement title and date, as well as the text replacing the original submission.
Before a Mailing is Sent
- To edit already submitted upcoming announcements, login to your Bates Today dashboard. Use the Edit or Delete buttons next to each individual announcement to make changes.
- Events listed in Bates Today are sourced from Bates Engage or the Event Management System (EMS). To edit or delete events, login where you submitted the event – engage.bates.edu or events.bates.edu.
- It is recommended that for events that have been previously communicated, but are now postponed or canceled, that you do not delete the event. Rather, edit the title and description of the event to “[Event name] – POSTPONED” or “[Event name] – CANCELED” to directly communicate the status of the event.
Please contact askbatestoday@bates.edu with questions or for assistance. Thank you.